Written by: Yusoff Kim
Edited by: Chen Kexin and Lydia Ong
Photos by: EusoffWorks
Final score: EH 5 - 0 PGPH
1st Singles Oscar
2nd Singles Haikal
3rd Singles JieRui
1st Doubles Jeremy & Charles
2nd Doubles KaiBin and Brian
Oscar - W/W
The night started in a warm stuffy room at Kent Ridge Hall with Oscar taking on his opponent from PGPHall. Mr JamNhOp himself was tired from weeks of cutting and gymming and cardio for bash, but sought to bring a tough fight. Man even refused 100plus about 4 times in search of 100 plus Zero which I don’t get cause 100+0 is still 100? But in the end he settled for water.
Though his opponent tried his bestest, Oscar took the first set easily 21-4 with some great finesse shots. He then improved his score to 21-3 in the second set and went to fist bump some people.
Truly a great showing by this lit lad, we hope to see more for him in the next match!
Haikal - Walkover
Though he came with fierce determination from hours and hours of training, he got a walkover.
Honorary mention: won an unofficial friendly
Jie Rui - W/W
Though Jie Rui was sure of his skill over his opponent, he did not take this lightly and started the match with a few strong kills to take early leads over his PGP counterpart.
He then switched into finesse shots, sending the shuttle left and right so his opponent had to hit back centre. Truly a masterclass. That said, he only won 21-4, 21-4 and lost to Oscar’s 21-4, 21-3 record. Buck up pls thx.
Charles & Jeremy W/W
Pairing a Year 4 with a Year 1 may be a weird combination to some, but in the Champion hall, everyone should be able to work with anyone else. Their mutual respect and prowess showed as they took an early lead over their opponents and snowballed it.

LYLC Charles with his best pose yet, reminiscent of a greek god?
Though Jeremy started off with some first-IHG jitters, failing his service twice, the duo managed to build a steady point lead and took off from there.
Some may say that Jeremy only can smash hard, and that may be true, but his partner Charles made up for it with excellent control and good defense at the front court, constantly returning the opponent’s shots and keeping the PGP score low. Taking the first set 21-7, they loosened up and tried more things, ending their second set and the match 21-9 in two Wins.
KaiBin & Brian
For the last match of the day, KaiBin and Brian Wong teamed up to face the strongest opponents yet.
With KaiBin’s injured shoulder and Brian’s beautiful face, they got ready to take on the tough challenge of clean sheeting Eusoff’s day against PGP.
It started off with some bad co-ordination though, and you could see Kai Bin refraining from using his shoulder to smash. They almost collided into one another twice before the interval too. The tensions were high as they started trailing , but with the spirits of Champions, they took their points back off of well placed shots by Kai Bin and good footwork by Brian to take the first set 21-15, the closest set of the day.

Brianpokkatea be out there grooving towards an easy win
After a few jokes by ZiKaiYakitori and pep talks by Line Judge HUANGZHANG as well as coach Teo, they came back dominant in the second set, with renewed spirit and newfound co ordination. Kai Bin started calling shots and Brian just flowed so naturally you’d think they were together.
In their zone, they took the next set easily 21-7 and finished the final match of the day.
Congratulations to EH Badminton (M) for their first 5-0 victory! We hope to see more in their upcoming fixtures!