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Badminton (F) Semis v RH

Written by: Alvin Tor

Edited by: Cheng Kai Wen

Photos by: Eusoff Works

1st singles: Charlyn (21-7, 21-5)

The badminton match between Charlyn and Raffles began with Charlyn taking an early lead. Charlyn's powerful smashes and quick footwork proved too much for Raffles to handle, and she easily won the first set 21-7.

Charlyn not giving any chances to her opponents.

In the second set, Raffles tried to mount a comeback by adjusting his strategy, but Charlyn's consistency and precision proved to be too much for him. Charlyn won the second set 21-5 and the match in straight sets. Throughout the match, Charlyn was in complete control and never gave Raffles a chance to get into the game. Charlyn's powerful shots and quick reflexes proved to be the difference in the match, as she easily defeated Raffles with a final score of 21-7, 21-5.

1st doubles: Hui Lin and Naomi (21-17, 21-4)

The first set for Hui Lin and Naomi was a nail-biter as they quickly found themselves trailing during the interval due to consecutive mistakes around the 6-6 mark, causing them to be down 5 points 6-11 heading into the interval. They recompose and with some help from captain Lionel, they found their rhythm. Garnering 2-3 points for every point they concede, strong smashes from Hui Lin and clever serve from Naomi allowed them to make a comeback and steal the first set 21-17.

Notable senior Hui Lin showing her years of experience on court.

In the second set, Hui Lin and Naomi had a strong start and that momentum really carried forward especially when they were making little to no unforced errors. Raffles could not fight back as the score gap kept widening and they easily won the second set 21-4.

2nd singles: Elis (21-6, 21-14)

The badminton match between Elis and Raffles was a one-sided affair, with Elis easily defeating Raffles in straight sets.

From the start of the match, Elis dominated with her aggressive play and precise shots. Raffles struggled to keep up with Elis's speed and power, and she quickly fell behind in the first set. Elis won the first set 21-6.

Need I say more? Eusoff's Sportswoman of the Year is back in action.

In the second set, Raffles tried to make adjustments and fight back, it was a slightly closer fight but Elis's superior skill and athleticism proved too much for her to handle. It did not take long for Elis to readjust and counter Raffles strategy as well and Elis won the second set 21-14, and the match in straight sets. She ain’t wearing the yellow band for show.

2nd doubles: Clarice & Zhi Yi (21-12, 21-16)

The first set was a highlight reel for Clarice. Smashing beautiful shots every chance she got, along with clever sharp shots across the net that caught Raffles off guard. They were using funny hand signals before they serve and it was proven useful as they caught Raffles fumbling and smashing the cock directly into their court on multiple occasions. Some might say it was hand signals to communicate, I believe they were just showing off their pedicure.

Is this Hi-5 also part of their secret tactic?

The second set was close. Both teams were neck and neck right from the start and it was tough for either team to pull ahead. However, the duo showed their resilience in making consistent clever shots and it really shine through in the late game as Zhi Yi made sudden drop shots and cut shots that caught Raffles off guard, allowing them to finally pull ahead and eventually win point by point to close the second set 21-16.

3rd singles: Hazel (9-21, 11-21)

The squash captain, HRB head and drug dealer Hazel made her debut badminton match in the Semis. Hazel, perhaps spending too much time on the squash court was definitely rusty on the badminton court, making multiple judgment errors and unforced errors that gave the opponent a steady rhythm to find control and make difficult smashes that would already proved to be too fast for a normal human, much less a drug dealer. Raffles won the first 9-21.

Racquet sport legend, Hazel dabbling in badminton!

In the second set, Hazel fought her hardest, despite being rusty, she hustled and her potential was definitely noticeable as she made a few hard smashes and nice drop shots. Unfortunately, her opponent was more experienced and was more in control of the rhythm and pacing of the game, that was the pivotal factor that allowed Raffles to take the second set with a score of 11-21.

Beating Raffles 4-1 allowed Eusoff to advance to the finals against TH which would probably be their toughest game. Make sure to count down and cheer for them as they would need every supporter they can get.


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