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Badminton F Prelims EH vs PGPH

Written by: Yeo Kee Juan

Edited by: Chen Kexin and Lydia Ong

Photos by: EusoffWorks

Final score Eusoff 5-0 PGPH


1st Singles: Felicia

1st Doubles: Clara and Nicole

2nd Singles: Celine

2nd Doubles: Alicia and Aderes

3rd Singles: Gladys

1st Singles: Felicia - W/W

Felicia made the game seem so easy. The Team Manager and I were so confused when we were told the game had started. It was only through the constant claps from winning points that we were aware the 1st Singles had started. We quickly set up the livestream, to ensure her fellow fans could get some snippets of her glorious victory. With her tied up hair bun in its unique blond shade, she easily outsmarted, outskilled, out-talented and outplayed her opponent with a landslide victory of 21-4 and 21-6.

The only more prominent detail that i noticed from the opponent was her bright red shirt that danced around the court while Felicia played her like a puppet. She could only try her best as the fast smashes and swift shuttlecocks flew past her.

A great start to the night as she single-handedly dominated the game, giving the team that motivation to strive to ace the next few games.

1st Doubles: Clara and Nicole - W/W

Next up was Clara and Nicole. The two of them were a pair, a duo, sisters, possibly twins? The game felt like a breeze as the two seem to be talking through telepathy. Their teamwork was beautifully shown by their repeated high-fives and handshake as they motivated each other through their smiles and encouragement.

Everytime i looked into their direction, I would almost always be amazed by a fast and strong smash by both Clara and Nicole. They took turns to bathe in the glory of winning a point and celebrating with each other and the team. What shocked me was when they were unsure of how many points the opponent won because of how far they were in the lead. With a score of 21-12 and 21-7, the girls came back grinning and in pride.

2nd Singles: Celine - W/W

Bored(?) captain Celine really just looks...bored. Guess she really is the captain for a reason!

Celine looked bored. Our captain for the girl’s team this year probably only used like 20% of her abilities to easily win her opponent. It felt as if she was standing at the same spot throughout the whole game, patiently waiting as the shuttlecock flew towards her. Her reflexes were quick and fast, hitting the shuttlecock as if she could control it. What amazed me the most was her calm demeanor yet prominent charisma. She never let herself choke and gave no chance to her opponent. With that she gave little points to her opponent, winning with a score of 21-1 and 21-4.

Her teammates were definitely inspired by her playstyle and constantly cheered after every point obtained. Such influence is sure to bring out the best in her team throughout the whole IHG and years to come

2nd Doubles: Alicia and Aderes - W/W

The double As. No, that is not Amber and Alicia the OG double As, it’s Alicia and Aderes! With Amber’s spirit present in the hall showering her with luck from her 21st birthday, Alicia and Aderes did really well in their games. Showcasing their hard work and resilience, they won with a beautiful victory of 21-8 and 21-7.

Their focus and teamwork was very heartening to see. Everytime it was Aderes turn to hit, Alicia was ready to duck down and let the shuttlecock fly to the opponent's court. Aderes on the other hand gave cues for Alicia to hit the shuttlecock, all ensuring the successful points obtained by the double As. Their harmony was observed as both rackets hit at the same time, making the beautiful “clanging” sound of victory.

3rd Singles: Gladys - W/W

7-Chokes Gladys seriously attempting to catch the shuttlecock with her bare hands?

As per requested by Amanda, my fellow colleague from SMC Publications, I had the opportunity to uphold the important task of inserting Gladys stickers into the live Telegram chat. Every point meant a happy sticker and every choke was a sad sticker. Yet, there was little to no opportunity to use the sad sticker as Gladys smashed her games. Her strong serves and quick hits stunned the opponent leaving her to dust.

The gracefulness in her hits and powerful smashes definitely satisfied her fans watching at home. Ending well for today’s badminton (f) matches, she obtained a score of 21-5 and 21-2, winning both her sets and the last game.

Congratulations to Eusoff Hall badminton for their 2nd victory following the boy’s victory on Monday, at 5-0 all games won. Let us cheer them on as we look forward towards greater performances as tougher challenges lie ahead of us.


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