Written by: Angelina Grace Pandiman
Edited by: Lydia Ong and Chen Kexin
Yu Hsiang right here has no complaints about being the squash tm bc the team and captains are v chill, but does his team have any complaints tho? eh joKES. but i'm pretty sure the team would want to try some of his taiwanese food so pls bug him for some! (he says they’re p good and could potentially make him famous - time for him to join Masterchef???)
Man also wishes he didnt have to leave his blk bc he really loves his blkmates. he even gives a shoutout to “the football superstar CJ” for the numerous times he delivered toilet paper to him after he ran out of paper after a shit. what a solid friendship. Some other big dreams he has is to go cherry and play 11 a side football game once covid is over but guess his dreams will just be dreams for now. His advice to the team on how to win IHG is “Just win oni”. Real solid advice! But say reals, do remember to look out for Kenson in the upcoming comps bc apparently mans good at every sport!! Lastly, some final words he has is that “temas*k is trash” so I guess theres nothing else left for the squash team (and the rest of Eusoff) to do but beat them in IHG!
Next up, we have Kexin! Not only is she our smc pubes cohead but also the tm for squash! Why so upz? Guess we’ll never know. Her good friends are also as upz as her, as she says we should look out for Lingyan and Bik Jeun (aka Biky) in the next IHG and quickly saved herself by also giving a special mention to the rest of the squash team too bc she says all of them damn zai!
When asked what she would be famous for, she mentioned being the scaredy cat of Eusoff, both on and off the courts- she’ll scREAM at any ball coming towards her. Hearing this made me wonder how she survived the past sem being the TM of squash....??????
Her least favourite part of being the squash TM was walking back from the “scary *ss squash courts” in the dark more than 5 times a week (just to make sure they have welfare for every single training!!! dedication rly lvl 10000). Kexin also has big dreams of going to the toilet/pantry without a mask.. usually I’ll say dont let your dreams be dreams but now a bit tough ah.
Also she thinks water is wet and all I have to say is NO water is not wet. (Fight me.)