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Updated: Jan 5, 2021

Written by: Shaynnie Koh

Edited by: Lydia Ong and Chen Kexin

Cedric has been the TM for RR for the past 2 years and the captain said that Cedric is so dedicated that he joined RR as a member. To Cedric, the essence of RR is to just run it! Though it is fun being a member, things are different as a TM. The worst part of being RR’s TM is bringing 100 plus but no one drinks them :”((

Many may know of his existence but something that no one in hall knows about Cedric is that he can whistle like a bird so beware! If he is bored and it’s noisy, you all know who to find. Cedric said that he would be terrible at table tennis because "the ball so small how to see?"

When asked about who he wants to trade places with on the team or EH, he does not want to trade because to him everyone is so amazing. Something interesting that has been really helpful with his duties is the tote bag, small and handy.

Anyway, please look out for Yong En!! Cedric is really proud of him because he actually runs during training.

Lastly, Cedric’s advice to the team on how to win IHG is to just run and don't worry so much! Given another chance, he would stay with RR because RR best CCA. Go there run, fast game run, fast game come back.

Ke Huan is also TM for RR and wants to be famous for Kneecopter (must be an inside joke) - she has been highly complimented by her captains for always putting in effort! She feels that RR is about endurance as whenever the runners run up the slope, they look like they wanna die but they make it back somehow. She gave a shout out to Cheryl Lee as one of the runners to look out for! (“She is very pretty when she runs”)

When asked about what sport she thinks she will be the worst at: “RR la pull icebox up so tough already! How you want me to run?”

One item that has helped her a lot in her duties is her spray bottle which is meant for watering the plants but she filled it up with ice cold water for the runners to feel SHIOOKKKKK after their runs. She really enjoys her TM role in RR and does not want to be given a new sport. Ke Huan loves RR - no further comment.

Here we have the two wonderful TMs for RR!! Show them some support ya!

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