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Updated: Jan 5, 2021

Written by: Shaynnie Koh

Edited by: Chen Kexin and Lydia Ong

Photos by: SMC Publicity

This season, we have Cedric as one of the Road Relay seniors who does not play but RUN the sport. He thought that RR is a cool running sport (it really is!!!) and can help his brains run faster, which was why he joined. RR has shown him that surprisingly anyone (fat people OOPS) can run fast too!!

Cedric loves the welfare that was provided to him during training most – cupcakes and cold water spray. “Thank you ex and current TMs <333333” he said. Aside from the amazing welfare he received, his most memorable moment in RR is destroying Temasek Hall by winning both male and female titles last year.

He is super inspired by last year’s captain and the thing he benefited from RR is learning how to run like last year’s captain, Wei Shien. “Think of it as pushing the ground back, don’t think of running as moving your feet forward’ said Cedric. When asked whether there was a point when he felt like giving up, he said no immediately. RR has made his brain run faster that’s why, to him, RR is the best running club one can ever join.

Next, we also have senior Ning Xuan! She is legit a runner – being in both track and RR. She started running in JC as a tracker. Her adventurous self has made her decide to join RR because she wanted to try out new things and it is very similar to track - RUN & RUN & RUN. “RR run on road, Track run on the track”, she said. Her favorite thing about RR is that it can be done anywhere and anytime, at home also can.

Being in RR has really trained her endurance and perseverance. Mid and long distance are not something one can just CHIONGGG and finish. Ning Xuan is a true runner; RR has helped incorporate running into her daily routine.

A dedicated runner, she has her time when she wants to give up. It was during IHG when she was going up the slope where she got extremely tired. What made her push on was the determination that she got from running, to keep pushing and pushing since it was just a little more to the finishing line. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger right?

Keep your eyes on these 2 amazing road relay seniors during this year’s IHG! They definitely won’t disappoint you.

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