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Updated: Jan 5, 2021

Written by: Shaynnie Koh

Edited by: Chen Kexin and Lydia Ong

Photos by: SMC Publicity

I don’t know how many of you love running, but i think it’s a pretty common consensus that running uphill really sucks… with that I’d like to introduce two up and coming aliens who have voluntarily signed up to potentially run up the CLB slope, Issac and Jovanna!

Isaac is a running enthusiast who has been running since secondary 1, partially to lose weight and now to keep fit now. He feels that there is something soothing about running, especially in nature or when there's a beautiful sunset!

He loves the fact that running is something anyone can do! There’s no need for any special skill or talent. Another thing he loves about running is the fact that running in groups is definitely different from running alone. It allows one to push beyond their limits and go further/faster than they think they could, and there will be a collective sense of accomplishment when everyone finishes strong together!

“If you wanna go fast, go alone. If you wanna go far, go together. If you wanna both, come for RR training with us”, Isaac said. Being in RR has helped train his determination and perseverance to push on and go further than he could. Most importantly, he has lost weight from running!!! He was really fat when entering secondary and look at him now!! Man’s a big attractive boi now!! Isaac’s highlight in his running journey will definitely be completing his first half marathon back in 2017! He never imagined himself finishing it, but the sense of accomplishment he got when crossing the finishing line was 200/100! (“Not sure if I’m crazy enough to try for a full marathon though…”) LEGGO ISAAC, never try never know!

Just like any other sport person I spoke to, quitting the sport has definitely crossed his mind before. There had been days where he had a bad day, and didn't finish what he planned to do. However, he feels that it is important to remember that doing 50% of a workout on a bad day is still better than not doing anything. Small increments do accumulate over time.

Next, we have Jovanna, another super runner who has been running long distance forever but never tried RR specifically. She continued running long distances back in secondary school and poly as she was previously from canoeing.

Being in RR means one has to run up the CLB slope which is pretty TIRING AND TEDIOUS. This has changed Jovanna’s perspective of slopes. One thing she loves about RR is the feeling after every dying running session!! “Somehow you would be glad that you got up, wore you shoes and came for training.”, she said.

Thanks to RR, now she is able to chase the bus fast enough and get on it eventually. Next time, you all see anyone chasing for the bus, it’s Jovanna. Her favourite moment is enjoying the 100plus together as a team after their runs and admiring the sunsets. Kinda romantic ya!

“The faster you run, the faster you pang gang!!!”. This is what kept her going for so long in running even when seeing the CLB slopes and having to run up.

Don’t leave your eyes off them during IHG ya! They were specially mentioned by the Captains previously so…. just stay tuned and watch them run, run, run and run!

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