Written by: Gladys Loo
Edited by: Lydia Ong and Chen Kexin
To find out what it is like being the TMs for volleyball in Eusoff, we have the honour of personally asking Yun Wen and Yue Ting about their experiences.
When asked for a funny anecdote whilst being TM for the sport, Yun Wen answered “every single time Peijie bullies Zhewei while we were having mixed trainings HAHAHA”, and just to reassure all of us, she added, “no worries it is out of good fun”. Yun Wen honestly answered that the worst part of being the TM would be (as expected) the heavy ice box… Nevertheless, she still does her very best. :) Yun Wen feels that one should look out for either Aileen or Nikki in volleyball matches because of their outstanding plays! According to her, Aileen can “dig almost any ball” and Nikki’s a “really good setter!”
If she were to be left on a deserted island, she would hope to be left with Gina and Yunxi for the brains so they can help get them off the island, as well as Yue Ting (her fellow TM) just to keep the mood light! Finally, an item that has helped her the most with her TM duties would be a nail clipper 😖 because “it is hard carrying the icebox with long nails…”
Moving onto Yue Ting, the funniest anecdote whilst being volleyball TM that she provided was when Ronald spiked a killer 3 meter spike with his head when they were playing handless 3v3 volleyball during training, shocking the other team. They were ecstatic and he roared “if you wanted to play with fire you’re gonna get burnt!” She also humorously answered that the worst thing about being TM for the sport is the team wanting to cut her as their TM all the time… If Yue Ting were to be left on a deserted island, and she had to pick 3 people to be present with her, she would want Jovi present as “he’s a chef and he can cook with the food we find on the island”, Mula because “he from OCS and he can help me survive…”, and Zhao Xiang because “he doctor in case we need medical attention”.
Yue Ting would not like to trade places with anyone on the team or in Eusoff because she “loves being the TM <3”. Her favourite to look out for on the team is York Tat because “he’s beta and his shoulder pain”. Finally, when asked why she deserves to win TM of the month, she replied: “I alw go out of the way to nourish them with extra fruits and snacks whenever I can to motivate them to come for training! And I not only serve as a TM, I also join them so that they can have sufficient numbers to play games (tho I can’t compare to them) and I cheer hard for them.. Help them pick up balls... Do PT with them.. Ask Mula he say I ups.”