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Updated: Jan 5, 2021

Written by: Gladys Loo

Edited by: Chen Kexin and Lydia Ong

Photos by: EusoffWorks

When asked for a quote that they lived by or really liked, the captain of the female Eusoff Hall volleyball team, Yun Xi, said to “Believe in yourself,” whereas the captain of the male volleyball team, York Tat, said that “You only regret the chances you do not take.” These are just some of the many wise words that our very capable captains, Yun Xi and York Tat had for us!

Before delving into more about the captains and their undying love for the sport, let us start off by understanding how volleyball is played. During a game of volleyball, there are 6 players on each side of the court at any time, with 3 players on the front row and another 3 on the back. Each team has a total of 3 hits to return the ball to the opponent, and the ball ultimately has to be sent over the net without landing on the ground. Volleyball matches are played to the best of 5 sets with the first 4 being played to 25 points and the last set being played to 15 points. Definitely sounds extremely exciting! 

Knowing a little bit more about the game, let us get to know our volleyball captains better. 

Yun Xi, the captain of the female volleyball team, decided to follow in her older sister’s footsteps and began playing volleyball in primary school. She personally developed a passion for the sport because it is thrilling and unpredictable, and it definitely gets her adrenaline going. She also loves the fact that volleyball is a team sport. She said and I quote, “When the whole team tries their best to save every ball to score points, I feel even more motivated to do my best.” The sport aside, Yun Xi also believes that the batches of individuals she has trained with so far are also part of the many reasons why she plays the sport. Volleyball has been in many phases of her life and has shaped her into the person she is today. 

Moving onto the very competent captain of the male volleyball team, York Tat! York Tat had a very similar backstory to Yun Xi as to why he started playing the sport. He started playing volleyball in primary school because his brother was also playing volleyball at that time. (Maybe everyone should just follow in their older sibling’s footsteps in primary school and play whatever sport they are playing, then they would grow up to be legends at the sport like Yun Xi and York Tat!) York Tat’s love for the sport stems from the very fact that it is a team sport. He says he loves how he is able to always have fun with his friends on court. When asked for an embarrassing episode through his years of playing the sport, he sheepishly said that he remembers receiving spikes from Peijie (our very cool Sports D!) and having his legs go completely jelly… He almost lost all balance and his teammates had a good laugh that training. York Tat also had a few (more!) wise words for inexperienced individuals who are interested in trying out volleyball — “Come with an open mind and heart. And use your legsssss!” 

Our captains’ passion for the sport and love for their teams are most definitely very inspiring. Eusoff Hall volleyball is undeniably in amazing hands and I cannot wait to see Yun Xi and York Tat bring this year’s teams to even greater heights!


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