Written by: Gladys Loo Edited by: Choa Zhao Xiang and Leung Lok Heng Photos by: EusoffWorks
“Always play to your team’s strength,” and “do your best and leave the court with no regrets,” are the exact words by our very capable captains of Eusoff Volleyball, Zhao Xiang and Aileen!
The dynamic duo of Aileen and Zhao Xiang helm this year’s volleyball teams.
Before delving into more about the captains and their fiery passion for the sport, let us start off by understanding how volleyball is played. During a game of volleyball, there are 6 players on each side of the court at any time, with 3 players on the front row and another 3 on the back. Each team has a total of 3 hits to return the ball to the opponent, and the ball ultimately has to be sent over the net without landing on the ground. Volleyball matches are played to the best of 5 sets with the first 4 being played to 25 points and the last set being played to 15 points.
Knowing a little more about the game, we shall get to know our volleyball captains!
Aileen, the captain of the female volleyball team, started playing the sport when she was just 13. Being one of the few out of her cohort who was picked to be on the volleyball team, Aileen goes on to excel in the sport, playing for another 9 years (and counting). As one who is smaller in stature, Aileen often found herself being the shortest in the team and had to work a lot harder to spike (a move combining a jump and a forceful hit down of the volleyball). She eventually learned to embrace her height as she said and I quote, “could reach the ground easier!” For her team this year, Aileen hopes to make every member feel included and get everyone on the same page so as to play their best in every game.
Despite her small stature, Aileen’s impact on her volleyball team is huge.
Just like his fellow captain, Zhao Xiang, the captain of the male volleyball team, started playing when he was 13. Not being in a sports CCA in primary school, Zhao Xiang thought sportsmen (especially the volleyballers!) in his school were cool, and decided to venture into the sport. When it comes to playing the sport, Zhao Xiang learned, over his 8 years of experience, that it is wiser to play safe and secure the point than to strive to make “pretty” or “cool” moves. He acknowledges that every team player is different in their own ways and values the importance of working around team dynamics.
Zhao Xiang has certainly attained “cool” status with his fierce play on the court.
With two incredible and extremely reliable individuals – who never fail to put their teams before themselves – we are definitely excited for what the volleyball teams will accomplish this year!