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Written by: Mohammad Shoib Memom Loya

Edited by: Lydia Ong and Chen Kexin

First up is Yong En who believes the essence of Tennis is to make sure the ball is always in the court. No matter how you do it as long as the ball is within the court, you have a chance to reposition yourself and score! Like most TMs, he hates to carry around the icebox and drinks to the courts. The only reason he goes through this pain is to see the team enjoy the refreshing 100plus during their training.

When asked about his favourite players, he chose Chen Hsin for his beautiful slices and drop shots and Erica Sim for her powerful serves. Yong En claims that if he were ever to be famous, it would be for saying or doing something stupidly funny. Drinking in the pool room is the only offence he would not mind getting demerit points for, it’s all about the vibes. He loves the quirkiness and banters that goes around the court and wouldn’t give it up for anything.

Next up is Theng Xuan. Like Yong En she believes the essence of Tennis is to hit the ball across the net skilfully. She is amazed by the amount of 100plus the team consumes in one training. She believes that everyone in the team is working hard and doesn’t have a favourite player. Tennis is the sport she would be worst at because she just can’t hit the ball across the net.

She doesn’t mind getting demerits for organizing a big gathering. For her, life is all about making friends. When asked, would you rather change the sport or stick to Tennis she replied: “I’ll stick to my Tennis kiddos HAHA, spent too much money and time on them already :P”. According to Theng Xuan, keeping calm is the key to winning IHG!

It was a delight to interview both. We thank and applaud them for all their efforts to ensure that the only thing our players need to worry about is to keep the ball in the court.


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