Written by: Yeo Kee Juan
Edited by: Chen Kexin and Lydia Ong
Photos by: SMC Publicity
“Even if you choke during your games, you still have teammates to fall back on” – Daryl Chin
“Do it for you and not for them” – Amanda Goh
These inspiring words are the quotes that Daryl and Amanda, our two spotlighted table tennis players, live by. After their impressive showcase of skills in last year’s IHG, they are back with more to show and more to impress. Let’s get to know more about their experience and their love for the sport!

Daryl started playing table tennis at a tender age of 11 years old when he joined it as a CCA in secondary school. He personally felt that he started table tennis at a pretty late age as he compares himself to the other players who started in primary school. This just shows the skills that Daryl possesses. He didn’t need the extra few years to train, he was already THAT GOOD. Thinking that he could not play any other sport, his dad introduced him to table tennis and the rest is history. Thank you, Daryl’s dad, for bringing up this young talent into our humble Eusoff Hall. His humility shines as he claims that he is “not really good at it”, yet he loves the intensity, the friends he made through his table tennis journey and the support he gets from his training and competitions. These are the things that spur him on in his tough training and in his life.
When I asked him what was his most memorable moment in his table tennis journey, he recounted his experience in last year’s IHG. The opponent was just not good enough against our table team as he remembers stomping all of them. I am sure the opponents thought he was intimidating which Amanda’s jokes is her first impression of him: “very cool and unfriendly”. We love this confidence everybody and I am sure this year will be the same! He laughs as he thinks back to the finals when they sang karaoke instead of analysing the dreaded Temasek Hall’s past matches. The matches were just too boring which ain’t worth watching for our table tennis team. Temasek hall please step up your game! But not too much.

Amanda similar to Daryl started table tennis when she was 12. Her mother is super obsessed about table tennis and felt that her lack of ball sense was a disappointment. But her disappointment quickly dissipated when Amanda’s inner table tennis skills shined. Daryl praises her skills exclaiming that she is a “crazy xmm that is SUPER good” at the sport who is a part of the national team. The push by her mum has proven effective and Singapore is definitely grateful for her contribution. If there is anyone who wants to become the next national team player, do ask Amanda and her mum for training! Or you could also come for table tennis training in Eusoff where you are taught personally by the national team gang gang.
The one thing I can relate with Amanda is her love for not doing PT and minimal running. She likes how table tennis is an inclusive sport for all even for those without any experience. Yes, you heard her everyone, join table tennis next year it's chill, fun and a sport for everyone! Thinking back, she loves all her training because of all the friendships forged. Her IHG experience last year was fun and an eye-opening experience for her. Those are some humble words by Amanda but hearsay she thrashed all opponents that crossed her path! Without a doubt, she will be showing us some easy wins this IHG!
Before we end, here is some solid advice they have for the incoming freshies this year.
“Have a good attitude when training and you will definitely improve”
“Never give up till the last point”