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Updated: Jan 5, 2021

Written by: Jared Lim

Edited by: Lydia Ong and Chen Kexin

“I never complain and I always provide food hehe” was the reply I received when asking her why she deserved to win TM of the month. Jovanna, the girl with a special talent of being able to mimic the Thanos snap of death by flipping her index finger against her middle finger is definitely one of the best TMs Eusoff has ever witnessed. While the job of a TM is to ensure basic administrative duties are done, Jovanna goes above and beyond by not only lugging the “freaking heavy ice box” to training but also bringing ziplock bags to store the fruits and refreshments she prepares for her team. Frozen grapes and watermelon, YAKULT GREEN TEA and exam welfare packs are only a glimpse of what she provides to her team 🥵

Being the TM of Male Handball team would mean that she’ll have to be in-charge of the “big bois”, which may be an overwhelming task. However, she claims that she would never switch and TM for another sport because and JUST because of “Yusoff :)))))))”.

To end, her advice for the team on how to win IHG is this: “Don’t come back as a freshie”... come back as a senior???

While Yi Chen has only spent a few weeks as the TM for the female Handball team, he has already developed quite a fiery passion towards the sport. The conversation we had clearly highlighted this.

“What are your feelings towards the sport?”

“Dk im new”

Here was also what he had to say when I asked him why he deserved to win TM of the month: “Nani u really gonna ask me that qn?”. Of course, while I stumble and try to take back my words I recalled why Yi Chen is without question the best TM one can ever ask for -- alongside his pink recycling bag, Yi Chen never fails to fulfill all the needs of the team and more.

However, even as the best of his kind, TMs often face problems during their work and Yi Chen is not a stranger to these problems. He particularly hates it when people don’t come for training and “When i take back the 100plus from the team but because everyone's hands got glue so its damn dirty and sticky”... looks like glue is really a big issue in handball.

To end, here’s his advice for the team on how to win IHG: “Just throw the ball only”... great advice indeed! Here’s hoping the handball team will take this advice seriously and earnestly work towards their goals!


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