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Updated: Jan 5, 2021

Written by: Jared Lim

Edited by: Chen Kexin and Lydia Ong

Photos by: SMC Publicity

When you hear “Arguable best goalkeeper in NUS”, you’ll probably associate this to our senior Timothy. Timothy is a Y4 senior who started playing handball in 2017 because “It was a new sport that I wasn't exposed to before and it seemed quite fun and competitive”. Timothy is also in the IVP team for handball because he is THAT good.

As a testament, here’s what our captain Yusoff had to say about him. “Timo is a Monster when I want to score the ball, it feels like there’s an overwhelming presence that prevents me from doing so”. “But then I score anyway cause I damn good” …. ok

Attributed to the tough matchup, Timothy recalls “Beating Sheares to survive the group of death last year” as one of the most memorable moments he had. As the keeper for the Eusoff-Sheares match last year, Timothy managed to save goals after goals in critical situations which eventually led to the team’s 16-14 victory. “Got keeper doesn’t mean cannot score” unless Timothy’s the keeper, then it becomes “Got keeper means really cannot score”

Apart from that, Timothy loves the sport because of the friendships made… and also because “Dyleedoes will treat beer tower”. He also mentioned how life-changing the sport was, as he gained numerous invaluable friendships throughout his journey and had to continuously challenge himself to get better at it.

To end off, Timothy has a quote to share: “Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard”.

Unlike the talents from other halls, the heart, sweat and tears put into every training by Timothy sets him apart and shows others how the best player title doesn’t just go to someone with talent, but to someone who has talent and works hard.

Next up, we have our senior from the female team, Aderes aka “best shooter in handball”

Aderes joined the sport in year 1 because “When we have those inter-class games that I thought were very interesting, I started playing handball (once) during Sec 4, so I entered handball in my new year in Eusoff.”

Despite her inexperience, Aderes is performing WAY beyond expectations. Both captains Shi Yun and Yusoff speak highly of her. “Aderes throw ball faster than me”, “She also abit seh” and “she has mastered the wrist flick” were just some of the words of praise that were spoken, and these words are not to be taken lightly. In the court, Aderes is lightning quick and just like Sonic the hedgehog, she has the power to dodge and strike within the blink of an eye.

However, handball training is not a walk in the park. She recalls that her main source of motivation was the peers training alongside her. Whenever she got tired, she could look up and find the friendly and accommodating teammates that would cheer and push her on. There was never a time when she felt alone in this rigorous sport.

“Especially during the IHG last year, it was madness but all of us still gave our all until the end, be it playing or cheering, everyone supported one another regardless. Goals aside, it's a family to be sustained.”

To end off, the family oriented Aderes has a quote to share from a Volleyball player Aduke Ogunsanya.

"You either win as a team or lose as a team but together you form a bond as strong as a family."

To Aderes and Timothy, Handball is more than just a sport, more than a game. To them, it is a place to develop friendships and forge strong bonds. With that, keep your eyes peeled on them for the upcoming IHG! Surely, they will be a spectacular sight to behold.


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