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Updated: Jan 5, 2021

Written by: Jayna Wu

Edited by: Lydia Ong and Chen Kexin

Following the respect and consent code closely, Glenn is a VOLUNTARY slave to Eusoff’s male football team, vouching for how honourable it has been to be the team manager of the sport. Serving the football team with welfare diligently, it’s almost as if he isn’t a stand-in (please give it up for Myra and get well soon..). When asked about who he would pick to be on a deserted island with him, he loyally points to Ethan, “because he is the capt and he will tell me what to do”. His obsession with goalkeepers doesn’t end there, as during trainings he’s either looking at them or playing as one of them, saving shots and “flying” like superman. When asked for final words of advice for his team, he says that if they “park the bus!!!!”, they’ll win IHG.

Moving on to the female football team, we have Angelina! A dedicated football TM and player, she loves both the sport and the people and wants to give them a shoutout even in HER own intro. Her selflessness drives her to splurge on welfare for the team, as she finds joy in performing even the simplest tasks like clearing the ice box. She recounts a time where she , agatha and clae turned her ice-box clearing duties into a game, seeing who could throw the ice the furthest. (petition to change sport to throwing?) She loves watching agatha’s sexy calves during training, and maybe this is why her hidden talent is “stoning in the middle of the field”! With IHG for girls’ football sadly called off, Angelina’s final words to her team on how they can still win IHG are simple but reassuring: “Eusoff will be the first if they announce the rankings in alphabetical order so we’ll be #1!”


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