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Updated: Jan 5, 2021

Written by: Jayna Wu

Edited by: Chen Kexin and Lydia Ong

Photos by: SMC Publicity

Behind the coveted gold medal, there are many triumphs and defeats; epic highs and lows of hall football. Equipped with an impeccable skill set, years of experience, and the capacity to wake up for 7am training, Cheng Tat and Pearl are surely the seniors to watch this IHG season as they bring home the gold for Eusoff.

Unlike many who have been playing since secondary school, Cheng Tat started playing football 2 years ago in hall. You may think this makes him an underdog, but this article proves otherwise. Cheng Tat’s entrance into the football scene was initially (and probably still) fueled by the desire to expand his status as a keeper from just off the field to on the field as well, but his athleticism and quick wits has propelled him to being one of the key players on the Eusoff Football team. He holds Eusoff in a special place in his heart, loving the thrill of winning because in his wise and true words, “losing sucks.”

He is motivated and determined like no other, with his eyes not only set on the IHG gold but also on the challenging feat of retaining his spot in hall next year. Of course, he will not go down without a fight, for he has joined many other cultural CCAs such as frisbee to complement his athletic endeavours. Be sure to keep an eye on this football beast as he vows to train hard to win easy this IHG season!

From the Eusoff Girls Football team, we have Pearl! Picking up the sport in secondary school, she started playing only because she just needed a CCA. Her indifference towards the sport is long gone though, as she credits football to be the thing that made her more resilient after overcoming all the tough and grueling training. She is also able to connect to many people from different walks of life through football, and for that she is grateful! When asked what the best part about football is, she reminisces fondly of her SA family, where different generations of females come back and train together as a community.

Her inspirational influence doesn’t just stop here, as she is constantly working towards striking a balance between school and life and striking just like her idol - “Mr IVP superstar Ethan Koh”. She loves Avina and Nichelle’s 6.30am wake up calls for 7am trainings, and holds the memories of opening her eyes groggily with an intense training ahead close to her heart. Perhaps the playing with balls keeps her going, as she states this to be the BEST thing about playing in Eusoff. Ending off, when asked for a quote or anything she would like to tell her team, she says profoundly, “Every setback is a setup for a comeback.”

It’s safe to say that Pearl and Cheng Tat are truly ones to watch during this year's IHG, so be sure to catch them as they unleash their inner football superstars this IHG 20/21!


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