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Updated: Jan 5, 2021

Written by: Nikki Than Win

Edited by: Chen Kexin and Lydia Ong

Photos by: SMC Publicity

Legends never die. This pair of seniors that is featured in this article are well established players within the team of Eusoff Floorball. They have already proved themselves to be strong competitors in the past. With the increased training that they have undergone, the whole Eusoff is excited to see what has become of the legends themselves, Wesley and Ke En.

Wesley, cool like his name, tells the story of a young man’s rapid rise to stardom. Do not discount the fact that he first came into contact with floorball this year. He plays floorball as if he was grasping his floorball stick as he came out of his mother’s womb. Previously, Wesley has been a protagonist to his block, boasting 3x Inter-Block Games appearances. Despite his reasons for joining the sport was just to ‘help a brother out’ aka replace his friend Ronald, it seems like all of this was God’s plan. After all, where else would he dedicate his striking height to? A fast-learner, humble and hardworking, Wesley progressed dramatically and became an indispensable member to the team.

Although Wesley spent a whopping $127 on his first ever floorball stick, I’ll bet you now that he’ll say it’s worth every penny. Wesley said, and I quote, that he was ‘tricked into the most amazing game ever called ANGELMORTAL’ with his floorball team. Fond memories were created and lifelong friends were made. In Wesley’s words, "Got So Vibing One Meh”. Sounds like the perfect dream team! Wesley also speaks highly of the team dynamics, such as mixed gender training for reasons we will not delve into. His coaches, captains and teammates are incredibly supportive and inclusive as well, creating a safe space where all players feel like they belong. According to Wes, coach Zongwei's trademark moment is the ringing of his buzzer and the accompanying "change!", where the boys enjoy a moment of sweet relief.

Wesley hopes to play an active role in the demise of Eusoff’s long-standing rival, Temasek. With his “Zone HYPER 27 Temasek Slayer Eusoff Saver” floorball stick side by side with his hard work, all of us sure are excited to see him in action in the coming Inter Hall Games.

A competent athlete that perfectly embodies the spirit of a true Eusoffian, Ke En is a gem to every team. She started out with netball, but smoothly transitioned her prowess and talent into a brand-new sport, floorball. The star seeks comfort in her sport and deems it as a great stress-reliever during hectic school life. In addition, floorball has also made Ke En a ton of new friends, whom she hits up for a game (or two) of floorball whenever she’s stressed. In Ke En’s words, she always ‘haS fuN’ with her friends, because ‘fun’ simply doesn’t do it justice! Till this day, she jumps on every opportunity to get together with her friends while working up a sweat. Ke En firmly believes that the team element of floorball is the cornerstone of the tightly knitted friendships and good communication between her and her teammates.

The star makes her floorball journey look like a breeze, but that is not always the case. She sheds light on the diverse challenges and hurdles along the way to becoming a better player, learning new stuff and discovering new ways to improve every day. Ke En reminisces her most memorable (and heart stopping) moment in her floorball journey, where someone intercepted her in a split-second during her assist in a crucial match-determining goal. For a miserable moment, she thought that the show’s over. Fortunately, it was one of her fellow teammates, Peixuan, who hit the ball right into the opposing team’s goal, winning them the honorable title (again). As expected, their team is second to none.

Ke En is an unstoppable force. The evidence speaks for itself. Who knows what’s next? Actually, we do! Ke En announced her next goal explicitly: To get the 4th gold in IHG with her friends. 4 years in uni and 4 IHG golds to complement it? We have complete faith in her and look forward to the floorball star ending her journey on a high.

Watch out for our double trouble duo. The next time you see them, might be atop of the podium after the upcoming exciting Inter Hall Games.


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