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Day 4: Touch Rugby & Closing

The final day of the Inter-Block games started with touch rugby at field 1! Despite the sudden rain scares an hour before the game started, the thunder clouds luckily did not arrive and the game carried on as planned.

Being a new sport for most of the freshies, there were still many brave souls who came down to the field to try out the sport, despite them not knowing much about it. Before the game started, our very own rugby superstar cum referee, Robbo Matt, kindly explained to the juniors how to play the game. Some of the seniors even played an exhibition match to demonstrate how a 3v2 game looked like! Through many trial and errors as the game passed, many of the freshies slowly got a hang of the game, which was heartwarming to see! Special mention goes to the C block boys who came down and supported the IBG event, and tried their best to convince the girls from the other blocks to play with them HAHA. (PS if you found the sport fun, be sure to join Eusoff’s very own elite touch rugby team!!)

The two blocks vying for first place were B and D block, with D block sending their athletic and experienced seniors, Fabien, Clae and Felicia, and B block with their MVP, Robbo. A rumored D block tactic was to just all focus on defending Robbo so B block wouldn’t get a chance to score! Man was even imposed with many random rules during the game by the referee like only using one hand, or not even being able to run. (what to do when you’re too zai at the sport?). However, he was not the only elite in B block, as Aqil tried his best to catch every ball and run with every inch of his body! Truly a formidable fight put up! Eventually the games came down to a tie between both blocks, followed by E block in third place, C in fourth and A in fifth as they had a walkover.

1. B & D

3. E

4. C

5. A (walkover)

Excited faces of A blockers cheering for their own block mates!

Later on that night was the closing ceremony for our first sporting event of the AY! The closing ceremony started off with a talent competition between the blocks, where many sang and danced, even a whistling of half of Taylor Swift’s top hit??? Many freshie boys also did back flips as well (since when was back flip such a common thing?? Is it a T01 thing…). There was even a magic show (more of stand-up comedy if I may) performed by Joelephant the great and the other D block seniors! B block did not lose out as our resident guitarist, Jakob, played a tune to Moses’ mimickry of Kermit the frog. (It really sounded as if the frog was right around the corner…)

Honestly, the best magic trick of the night would be Jakob going backstage and whipping up this box, which I thought was a seat for Moses, but it actually turned out to be a frog hat! (where… how… who… made that…)

The yeppo ladies from C block danced to Feel Special (really made me feel something that night…) and E block with their costume coordination and dazzling introduction with The Lion Sleeps Tonight (really very ee…). After a tough fight, the ranking was as follows:

E Block’s talent show of when the lion sleeps, the rabbits come out to play! (but can someone make the Eusoff roosters sleep and keep quiet please…)

1. D

2. E

3. B

4. C

5. A

The night ended with the prize presentation ceremony where D block bagged home the title! Congratulations D block! Thank you to the rest of the hall for participating and special thanks to the Sports Management Comm and sports director, Luke, for making this event a success! See all of you next year :>



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