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Updated: Jan 5, 2021

Written by: Kam Keng Han

Edited by: Chen Kexin and Lydia Ong

Photos by: EusoffWorks

Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Lebron James. As long as you don’t live under a rock, you would surely know all these names. BUT what about Dylan Lee and Vivian Hau? They are Eusoff’s very own basketball team captains! These 2 captains have been playing since primary school days and are once again seeking to lead our basketball teams to another IHG gold.

So how is basketball really played? Is it just 10 guys chasing a ball? Well yes, but it is way more complex than that. Perhaps many of us have played it ghetto style, where we just grab a ball and hit the courts with barely any knowledge of the rules and everyone simply trying to sink the ball in the basket. But let's dive a little bit deeper into the actual game of basketball. Basketball is a 5 versus 5 game played over 4 quarters, with each lasting 10 minutes each. Of course the more you score, the more you win; but creating the clear shooting opportunities and putting the ball into the basket takes training, finesse and skill. Shots made beyond the large arc are worth 3 points while any other scores within the arc are worth 2.

Now that we have touched on the technicalities of basketball, let’s get to the point of why we are truly reading this. It’s time to get personal with the captains. First up, we asked what made them pick up basketball. At a young and mature age of 9, Dylan realized that he spent most of his time looking down on others. Literally. With his tall physique, he realized that only *short people* stood in his path and was practically unstoppable. F in the chat for dem shorties out there struggling to make use of the top shelf in their rooms.

Vivian on the other hand, started at 12 with the intentions of trying a team sport. Some would say, I try team sports while others simply say, I no friends. Some would say. But of course, Vivian wanted to foster brotherhood and experience comradery among her teammates and has never looked back since.

With the current pandemic, we sought to find out more on how the team is handling training thus far. Fortunately for the team, the captains are pleased with their efforts (so far). They have been improving really quickly and always seek to give their all in training. Special mention goes to Yi Chen whom Dylan sincerely looks up to. He may not have an athletic body, but without a doubt this ‘fatty’ never gives up when he runs and is always filled with energy and fueled with passion. As the late Black Mamba once said, ‘ I can’t relate to lazy people. We don’t speak the same language. I don’t understand you. I don’t want to understand you.’ Let's all be like Yi Chen. Otherwise cannot he won’t talk to us. Similarly, Vivian shares that same form of respect for Shi-Qing. She also may not have the best physique but she is still able to rise above the occasion and play beyond her limits. Talk about pushing one another to greater heights. I’m sure we can now understand why the basketball teams have been so successful.

Final words?

Simply put, do what the captains have to debrief today. (And of course must be short cuz faster go back la)

“Defense wins championships but ya'll gotta make your layups as well plsssss.”

- Dylan Lee

“The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.”

- Vivian Hau

We hope that you will continue to support both Dylan and Vivian as they lead their teams for a repeat to yet another IHG championship!!


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