Written by: Amanda Goh
Edited by: Chen Kexin and Lydia Ong
Photos by: SMC Publicity
First up for badminton we have Oscar the Grouch!! :D Thankfully Oscar is not grumpy in real life, and is always seen and heard laughing super loudly in the hallways with his friends! Despite his name, Oscar does not actually want to win an Oscar. Instead, he is hoping to win the gold medal in the upcoming (2020/2021?) Olympics.

He has been training for this moment since he was 4- when his mother introduced him to different sports and he chose badminton because it was the most exciting to him! Apart from potentially making him the second Singaporean gold medallist in the Olympics, badminton has also changed Oscar’s life in many ways. When he was in primary 1 he was just a severely underweight skinny legend who suffered from nose sinus. However, after playing badminton regularly, his body’s immune system improved to the point that he no longer has to visit the doctor anymore. Also, it has made his agility and reflexes even better, which helps keep him focused even when he is not on court. Oscar loves the friendships that he has forged through badminton, such as his friendship with Zikai who is “the freshies’ biggest dog” and Gladys Loo who is “a complete opposite of him”, a “meme” and a “weirdo”.
To end off his interview, Oscar has a very inspirational quote for us all! “Without pain and sacrifices, we will only leave the court with regret”

Next up, we have freshie Felicia who surprisingly only started playing badminton when she was in secondary 1! She decided to try out badminton when she saw her friends playing it barefooted at the void deck and she was so interested that she decided to try it out for herself. Badminton has taught Felicia to cherish every opportunity given to her, and to never let her guard down- to keep doing her best until the very end. She also loves the adrenaline rush when she is able to deliver a strong SMaaashH or when she is able to defend strong attacks. In fact, the sense of fulfilment she gets when she wins a long rally is almost as strong as the sense of fulfilment Felicia gets when she watches tiktok. Felicia loves her team because during drills, everyone checks up on each other and provides encouragement if they seem tired, but her favourite member of the team is Captain Celine who always pushes them to do their best, guides them, and provides feedback.
Felicia’s quote for us is “When you play, play hard; When you work, don't play at all” (unless its tiktok)
We hope you have learnt a little more about our two promising freshies; do keep a lookout for them during the upcoming IHG!