Written by: Luke Chiang
Edited by: Chen Kexin and Lydia Ong
Photos by: SMC Publicity
Kicking in at number 74, the new kid on the block is Brandon Ho Wen-En.

Brandon is an easy going lad with a pretty laid back mentality that likes to "talk quite a lot of shit". He might talk shit, but it would be wrong for you to think likewise for his Takraw skills. Like many of his fellow Takraw team mates, Brandon hails from Eusoff Football. At this rate, might as well have the same IHG team for Takraw as Football?
"The technique is quite similar to football which most of us are comfortable with. Difference is probably the ankles and head more pain la." Well then I guess we'll be hoping all our Takraw boys have the sturdiest ankles and the thickest skulls in NUS hehehe.
Despite being a prominent freshie, Brandon only recently picked up Takraw competitively for the sake of Eusoff.
"The interesting thing about Takraw is that everyone is relatively new to the sport since there isn't Takraw in A divs. This evens out the playing field for IHG."
When asked about his experience in Takraw, Brandon had this to say, "The best feeling in Takraw is the satisfaction you get from giving a good serve, receive, set or kill. It's really quite exhilarating."
Brandon owes the joy he feels in Takraw to his banterous teammates and the chill environment all the boys have set up for themselves.
In his 3 month run in Eusoff Sepak Takraw so far, Brandon has already been known as the man of entanglement when he kicked a ball and got his ankles caught in the net. Siala bro, that's some mighty high kick wei.
Let's hope that together with the other Takraw boys, Brandon can kick away the problem of Covid-19 to pave the way for IHG 20/21!!